Mom Dad Quotes by quotesgems.
Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless, unconditional and forgiving. So here we provide best collection of quotes for Mom And Dad. Share these quotes on facebook, instagram, whatsApp.
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Mom Dad Quotes
Parents are traffic signs that are always in our blind spots.Jeremy P. Johnson
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.
My mom and dad gave their kids the greatest gift of all – the gift of unconditional love. They cared deeply about who we would be, and much less about what we would do.Mitt Romney
One of the greatest titles in the world is parent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad.Jim Demint
I am blessed to have Mom and Dad.Kevin Eubanks
Mom and Dad would stay in bed on Sunday morning, but the kids would have to go to church.Lynn Johnston
No one was more important than my mom and dad. I know they are watching from a place up in heaven here today to make sure all their kids are doing good.Eddie Murray
When moms and dads put their kids in acting class, good luck. Because you’re just filling them with stuff they don’t need yet.Anna Chlumsky
But my mother and father were married when my mom was 20 and my dad was 24.Rachael Leigh Cook
My mom’s a Catholic, and my dad’s a Jew, and they didn’t want anything to do with anything.Isabelle Huppert
My mom is a very warm, typical sort of Jewish-mother type. And my dad has a somewhat, um, different personality.Peter Orszag
The only thing I have to go by is what my mother and father told me, how I was brought up.Madeleine Albright
When mom and dad went to war, the only prisoners they took were the children.Pat Conroy
You don’t have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you.Meryl Streep
Parents don’t make mistakes because they don’t care, but because they care so deeply.T. Berry Brazelton
Both my mother and father were very supportive of any career move any of us wanted to make.James Gandolfini
My mother and father are very involved with music. It’s completely part of their soul.P. J. Harvey
Your captain is your mother and father. He will tell you when to eat and when to sleep. Listen to him. Make happy. And we will all see the land we are going to.Mau Piailug
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn’t have anything to do with it.Haim Ginott
In reality the world is as full of bad mothers as it is of bad fathers, and it is not the motherless children who become delinquent but the fatherless ones.Louis de Bernieres
Working mothers do an hour more per day than working fathers do and working mothers do on average an hour more per day with the kids than working fathers do.James Levine
Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise… specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine.Allan Bloom
My mother protected me from the world and my father threatened me with it.Quentin Crisp
What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.Benjamin Spock
Our mothers and fathers want change. They worked all of their lives, but today live in destitution.Viktor Yushchenko
Though mothers and fathers give us life, it is money alone which preserves it.Ihara Saikaku
I was blessed to have a mother and father that recognized the value of education.Jeb Bush
Parents, they’re strict on you when you’re little, and you don’t understand why. But as you get older, you understand and you appreciate it.Grant Hill
I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.Greg Norman
The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them.Frank A. Clark
Parents are the last people on earth who ought to have children.Samuel Butler
To be a good father and mother requires that the parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. As a consequence of this sacrifice, conscientious parents develop a nobility of character and learn to put into practice the selfless truths taught by the Savior Himself.James E. Faust
Parents do not have the courage to say no to certain things that their children demand. They are rather scared of their children.Shiv Khera
Most parents have long understood that kids don’t have the judgment, the maturity, the impulse control and insight necessary to make complicated lifelong decisions.Bryan Stevenson
Parents are people who yell and they yell and they yell and they yell. And you already have the point… and they’re still yelling.Bill Cosby
Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.Ogden Nash
Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go.Fred Rogers
Of course, parents are the most important people in a child’s life.Hillary Clinton
Parents forgive their children least readily for the faults they themselves instilled in them.Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
Parents can plant magic in a child’s mind through certain words spoken with some thrilling quality of voice, some uplift of the heart and spirit.Robert Macneil
Parents can really help, but they can also really hinder the development of their youngsters.Mike Krzyzewski
A reading man and woman is a ready man and woman, but a writing man and woman is exact.Marcus Garvey
Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done.
Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent.Bob Keeshan
It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.Maya Angelou
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.
Mom And Dad Quotes In Hindi
माँ बाप का दिल जीत लो कामयाब हो जाओगे,वरना सारी दुनिया जीत कर भी हार जाओगे।
चाहे लाख करो तुम पूजा और तीर्थ करो हजार,अगर माँ बाप को ठुकराया तो सब ही हैं बेकार।
जिस घर में माँ-बाप की कदर नहीं होती,उस घर में कभी बरकत नहीं होती।
माँ-बाप के लिए क्या शेर लिखूं,माँ-बाप ने मुझे खुद शेर बनाया हैं।
इज़्ज़त भी मिलगी दौलत भी मिलगी,सेवा करो माँ बाप की, जन्नत भी मिलेगी।
माँ की ममता और पिता की क्षमता काअंदाजा लगाना भी संभव नही हैं।
माता पिता के बिना दुनिया की हर चीज कोरी हैं,दुनिया का सबसे सुंदर संगीत माँ की लोरी हैं।
जीवन में दो बार ही माँ बाप रोते हैं,जब बेटी घर छोड़े, तथा बेटा मुह मोड़े।
घर की इस बार मुकमल में तलाशी लूँगा,गम छुपा कर मेरे माँ-बाप कहाँ रखते थे।
ना ज़रूरत उसे पूजा और पाठ की,जिसने सेवा करी अपनी माँ-बाप की।
घर आके माँ-बाप बहुत रोये अकेले में,मिट्टी के खिलौने भी सस्ते ना थे मेले में।
माँ बाप का हाथ पकड़कर रखिये,लोगो के पांव पकड़ने की जरूरत नही पड़ेगी।
घेर लेने को मुझे जब भी बलाएँ आ गईं,ढाल बन कर सामने माँ-बाप की दुआएँ आ गईं।
टुकड़ों में बिखरा हुआ किसी का जिगर दिखाएँगे,कभी आना भूखे सोए बच्चों के माँ बाप से मिलाएँगे।
मेरी दुनिया में इतनी जो शौहरत हैं,मेरी माता पिता की बदौलत हैं।
जिस के होने से मैं खुदको मुक्कम्मल मानता हूँ,मेरे रब के बाद मैं बस अपने माँ-बाप को जानता हूँ।
किसी का दिल तोड़ना आज तक नही आया मुझे,प्यार करना जो अपने माता-पिता से सीखा हैं मैंने।
कोई कहता है अच्छे कर्म करोगे तो मरने के बाद स्वर्ग मिलेगा,मैं कहता हूँ, माँ बाप की सेवा करोगे तो जीते जी स्वर्ग मिलेगा।
इस दुनिया में बिना स्वार्थ के सिर्फ माता पिता ही प्यार कर सकते हैं।
माँ और पिता ऐसे होते हैं, जिनके होने का एहसास कभी नहीं होतालेकिन ना होने का एहसास बहुत होता हैं।
इस दुनिया में बिना स्वार्थ के सिर्फ माता पिता ही प्यार कर सकते हैं।
आकाश के देवताओं की पूजा करने से पूर्व अपने माता-पिता की पूजा करो।
बंद किस्मत के लिये कोई ताली नही होती, सुखी उम्मीदों की कोई डाली नही होती।
जो झुक जाए माँ – बाप के चरणों में, उसकी झोली कभी खाली नही होती।
जिस दिन तुम्हारे कारण माँ बाप की आँखों में आँसू आते हैं,याद रखना उस दिन तुम्हारा किया सारा धर्म कर्म आँसुओ में बह जाते हैं।
जब भी अपनी ताकत पर गुरुर हो, एक फेरा वृद्धा आश्रम का लगा लेना,और जब भी आपका सिर श्रद्धा से झुका हो, अपने माता पिता के पैर जरूर दबा देना।
पता नहीं कैसे पत्थर की मूर्ति के लिए जगह बना लेते हैं घर मैं वो लोग,जिनके घर में माता-पिता के लिए कोई स्थान नहीं होता हैं।
जिन मूर्तियों को इंसान बनाते हैं, हम उनकी तो पूजा करते हैं,पर जिन्होंने हमें बनाया है हम उन माता-पिता की पूजा क्यूँ नहीं करते।
मुझे इतनी “फुर्सत” कहाँ कि मैं तकदीर का लिखा देखुँ,बस अपनी माँ-पिता की ”मुस्कुराहट” देख कर समझ जाता हुँ की “मेरी तकदीर” बुलँद हैं।
याद रखना –माँ बाप उमर से नहीं, फिकर से बूड़े होते हैं, कड़वा हैं मगर सच हैं।
हर इंसान अपनी चाहत को चाहता हैं,पत्नी को प्यार करता हैं, लेकिन माँ-बाप को पूजता हैं।
मेरे बच्चे तुझे और क्या चाहिए,बूढ़े माँ बाप ने तुझको अपनी जवानी दी हैं।
औलाद को इंसान बनाने की फिक्र में,माँ बाप को मरने की भी फुर्सत नहीं मिली।
वो माता-पिता ही हैं, जिनसे आपने मुस्कुराना सीखा।
Mom And Dad Quotes In Marathi
पुरुष शिकला तर फक्त एक पुरुष सुसंकृत होतोपण एक स्त्री शिकली तर सर्व कुटुंब सुसंकृत होते.
नेहमी दोन स्त्रियांचा स्वीकार करा जिने तुम्हाला जन्म दिलाआणि जिने फक्त तुमच्यासाठीच जन्म घेतलाय.
आई म्हणजे कुटुंबाचे हृदय असते.
आयुष्यात काही नसले तरी चालेलपण आई-वडिलांचा हात नेहमी पाठीशी असावा
वडील आणि मुलगा यांच्यामधल्या वाढत जाणाऱ्या ‘जनरेशन ग्याप’नावाच्या दरीला जोडण्यासाठी ‘आई’ नावाचा भक्कम पुल असतो
आई म्हणजे मंदिराचा कळस…..आई म्हणजे अंगणातली पवित्र तुळस !!आई म्हणजे भजनात गुणगुणावी अशी संतवाणी!!आई म्हणजे तृष्णेने व्याकूळ झाल्यानंतर प्यावं असं थंडगार पाणी!!
आई तू उन्हा मधली सावली… आई तू पावसातली छत्री !!आई तू थंडीतली शाल… आता यावीत दु:खे खुशाल!!
आईसारखा चांगला टीकाकार कोणी नाहीआणि तिच्यासारखा खंभीर पाठीराखा कोणी नाही.
लहानपणी आपण आई माझ्याकडे ये म्हणून भांडत असतोआणि मोठेपणी आईला तुझ्याकडे राहूदेत म्हणून भावंडाबरोबर भांडत असतो.
आई च्या कूशीतला तो विसावा खूप अनमोलविचलित मनाला तो नेहमीच देई समतोल
आई म्हणजे असते एक माये चा पाझरआई ची माया असते एक आनंदाचा सागर
जीवनात दोनच गोष्टी मागाआई शिवाय घर नको आणि कोणतीही आई बेघर नको.
वडील म्हणजे समुद्रातलं जहाज असत,पाण्यात न भिजवता किनाऱ्याला नेत असत.
आई”म्हणजे भेटीला आलेला देव,“पत्नी” म्हणजे देवाने दिलेली भेट
आणि “मित्र” म्हणजे देवाला ही न मिळणारी भेट….आई-वडिलांसाठी कोणतीही गोष्ट सोडा….पण, कोणत्याही गोष्टीसाठी,आई-वडिलांना सोडू नका….
सोसताना वेदना मुखातून एक शब्द नेहमी येईप्रेमाचा पाझर पसरून त्या वेदनेवर वेदना नाहिशी करते आई …
आई म्हणजे असते एक माये चा पाझरआई ची माया असते एक आनंदाचा सागर
खास मुलींबाबत एक प्रेमळ सत्य…या जगात कोणती ही मुलगी ही,तिच्या नव-यासाठी त्याची “राणी” नसेल ही कदाचित..पण..????? तिच्या वडिलांसाठी ती,नेहमीचं एक सुंदर “परी” असतेचं…
आयुष्यात तुम्ही कितीही शिकलात पैसा आणि नाव कितीही कमवलतं तरीहीआई वडील गुरू यांच्या आशीर्वादाशिवाय सर्वकाही व्यर्थ असतं.
एका आठवड्याचे ‘सात’ वार असतात.‘आठवा’ वार आहे “परिवार”;तो ठिक असेल तर सातही वार ‘सुखाचे’ जातील !!
खिशातल्या हजार रुपयांची किंमत सुद्धालहानपणी आईने गोळ्या खाण्यासाठीदिलेल्या एक रुपयापेक्षा कमीच असते..
Mom And Dad Quotes From Son/Daughter
Mom and dad, thanks for believing in me even when I kept blaming you for not doing so.
A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.
Mom and dad… of all the friends and teachers I’ve had in my life, you both have been the best. Thanks.
A good father is a source of inspiration and self-restraint. A good mother is the root of kindness and humbleness.
My heroes are and were my parents. I can’t see having anyone else as my heroes.
My parents sacrificed so much for all of us. It makes me want to give back to them by being the best I can be.
Life’s hurricanes can’t touch me because I remain sheltered in your love. Thanks for everything.
In the eyes of a child, parents are Gods.
No matter how far we come, our parents are always with us.
If I become half the parent that you are today, I’ll consider myself to be successful. Thanks for everything.
Nobody on Earth can ever love you more than your parents.
Happiness is – having the best parents in the world.
We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.
Love your parents we are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.
A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.
Nothing makes me feel stronger than knowing that I have a dad who’s got my back.
I am going to write a letter to Facebook to put a HUG button on your profile so I can hug you anytime I want.
I know that I’ll grow up to be the best because I’ve been raised by the best. Mom and dad, I love you.
To understand your parents’ love you must raise children yourself.
My parents are my backbone. Still are. They’re the only group that will support you if you score zero or you scores 40.
To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.
Even though you are a generation older, even though you are my parents… you both have been the best friends I could ever have had. Thanks.
A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.
I know I am lucky to have parents who love endlessly… me and each other. Thanks for being perfect.
My father didn’t tell me how to live, he lived and let me watched him do it.
Never forget your parents cause they are the reason why you are and who you are.
Conclusion:These are Mom Dad Quotes. I hope you guys like it. If you have any question or suggestion just comment below or contact us. Share these mom dad quotes and spread love.Thanks