“Nobody is perfect, so get over the fear of being or doing everything perfectly. Besides, perfect is boring.” “Exercise should be regarded as a tribute to the heart.” “You didn’t gain all your weight in one day; you won’t lose it in one day.
So here is our best collection of weight loss quotes for all of you to boost your power up.
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Weight Loss Quotes
“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.”
“Fitness is like marriage, you can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.”
“Make time for it. Just get it done. Nobody ever got strong or got in shape by thinking about it. They did it.”
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”
“It’s going to be a journey. It’s not a sprint to get in shape.”
“Nobody is perfect, so get over the fear of being or doing everything perfectly. Besides, perfect is boring.”
“Exercise should be regarded as a tribute to the heart.”
“You didn’t gain all your weight in one day; you won’t lose it in one day. Be patient with yourself.”
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”
“Looking after my health today gives me a better hope for tomorrow.”
“I always believed if you take care of your body it will take care of you.”
“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.”
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”
Motivational Weight Loss Quotes
“The distance between who am I am and who I want to be is only separated by what I do!”
“The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”
“To change your body you must first change your mind.”
“Someone busier than you is running right now.”
“Working out is never convenient. But neither is illness, diabetes and obesity!”
“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m DONE!”
“I don’t work hard because I hate my body. I workout because I love it!”
“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!”
“When it burns, is when you’re just getting started. That’s when you get stronger!”
“If you have 30 minutes for Facebook, you have 1 hour for the gym!”
“The best way to predict your health is to create it.”
Funny Weight Loss Quotes And Sayings
You know what the secret to weight loss is? Don’t eat much.Simon Cowell
Diets are for those who are thick and tired of it.Mary Tyler Moore
Successful weight loss takes programming, not willpower.Phil Mcgraw
Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it I wash my mouth out with chocolate.Charles M. Schulz
The cardiologist’s diet: If it tastes good, spit it out.Anonymous
Probably nothing in the world arouses more false hopes than the first four hours of a diet.Dan Bennett
The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day, you are off it.Jackie Gleason
At the end of every diet, the path curves back to the trough.Mason Cooley
Saying yes to the skinny jeans by saying no to the donuts.Betsy Cañas Garmon
Here’s the secret to weight loss: It’s all about crowding out, not cutting out.Kathy Freston
When I buy cookies I eat just four and throw the rest away. But first I spray them with Raid so I won’t dig them out of the garbage later. Be careful, though, because that Raid really doesn’t taste that bad.Janette Barber
I have gained and lost the same ten pounds so many times over and over again my cellulite must have déjà vu.Jane Wagner
Drinking three glasses of water before every meal will help you lose weight, because you will burn a lot of calories running to the bathroom.Anonymous
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.Orson Welles
My advice if you insist on slimming: Eat as much as you like, just don’t swallow it.Harry Secombe
I lied on my Weight Watchers list. I put down that I had 3 eggs, but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs.Caroline Rhea
A diet is a plan, generally hopeless, for reducing your weight, which tests your will power but does little for your waistline.Herbert B. Prochnow
The first thing you lose on a diet is brain mass.Margaret Cho
A diet is just code for a time when you eat food you dislike and still feel hungry.Anonymous
The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books, how not to eat what you’ve just learned how to cook.Andy Rooney
If you believe that weight loss requires self-deprivation, I’m going to teach you otherwise.Robert Atkins
I’m allergic to food. Every time I eat it breaks out into fat.Jennifer Greene Duncan
I tried every diet in the book. I tried some that weren’t in the book. I tried eating the book. It tasted better than most of the diets.Dolly Parton
Never Give Up Weight Loss Quotes
Think of that feeling you’ll get when you’ve reached your goal weight.
And Yes, it is possible, and No, it isn’t easy.
It’s not about having time. It’s about making time.
Be stronger than your excuses.
Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person from yesterday.
You get what you work for, not what you wish for.
Imagine yourself six months from now.
You only fail when you stop trying.
Eat for the body you want. Not for the body you have.
Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.
Exercise to be fit, not skinny. Eat to nourish your body and always ignore the haters. You are worth more than you realise.
3 months from now, you will thank yourself.
Don’t wish for it. Work for it!
Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.
The moment when you want to quit is the moment when you need to keep pushing.
If you’re tired of starting over then stop giving up.
Slow progress is better than no progress.
A one hour workout is 4% of your day. No excuses!
Stop wishing. Start doing.
Good things come to those who work.