Here are best motivating quotes from Sadhguru that will inspire within you a sense of peace. We provide you top Sadhguru Quotes that will definitely keep you happy.
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Sadhguru Quotes
Do you want to look good or feel good? How wonderful you feel within yourself is most important. — Sadhguru
When you are all-inclusive, your experience of your existence becomes beautiful, and that is why you are joyful. — Sadhguru
If all your energies are focused in one direction, enlightenment is not far away. After all, what you are seeking is already within you. — Sadhguru
The way people are living today, I would say, never do unto others what you do unto yourself. — Sadhguru
Without experiencing the joy of life, you cannot seek the source of life. — Sadhguru
Don’t hold back your love, your joy, and your exuberance. Only what you give becomes your quality, not what you hold back. — Sadhguru
Even if I am with a million people, I am always alone. I do not see people as people. I see them as myself. — Sadhguru
You cannot live here without trusting existence. If you trust consciously, lovingly, that’s devotion. — Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
If you do what you like with 100% involvement, what you don’t like, you must do with 200% involvement. That’s breaking limitations. — Sadhguru
Do not talk about the soul, heaven, or God. Talking about something that is not yet a reality for you amounts to falsehood. — Thought of Sadhguru
If you use your mind as a memory bank, the past will repeat itself in cycles. If your mind becomes pure attention, you will know everything that is worth knowing. — Sadhguru
You cannot exist without the universe. You are not a separate existence. — Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
if you do not do what you cannot do, that’s no problem. But if you do not what you can do, you are a tragedy. — Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Love is not something that you do. Love is something that you are. — Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. Any moment, it can flip the other way. One can become the other. — Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
May your life happens out of your own clarity and ability, not by chance or out of the compassion and kindness or others. — Jaggi Vasudev
Sadhguru Quotes On Leadership
As a leader, your every thought, emotion, and action impacts many lives. It’s extremely important to work on how you are within yourself.
Being a leader does not mean dominating the situation. It means empowering people to do what they would not have imagined possible.
Unless a leader displays an infectious level of inspiration, sloth and inertia will prevail.
As a leader, you build trust when you give yourself 100%, so that people understand with your every action, you stand for them.
Leadership should be free of gender. Do not look at a leader as a man or a woman. Look at them for the qualities they exude.
Integrity, insight, and inclusiveness are the three essential qualities of leadership.
Leadership is not assertion of yourself.
Leadership is the art of fulfilling the aspirations of everyone.
Leadership should not be an aspiration. It should be a consequence of competence.
Leadership means partnership, cooperation, mentoring, and support. It does not mean dominance. Dominance is tyranny.
Sadhguru Quotes On Success
Anyone who has built anything successful knows there is no perfect way – it is a constant juggle.
People are successful not necessarily because they work hard. They just do the right thing.
What is generally considered as failure deepens your experience of life far more than what you consider as success.
If your idea of success is just about being ahead of others, you will definitely not explore the full potential of who you are.
If you want to enjoy success, before you engineer situations, first of all you have to engineer yourself.
If you want success, the foremost thing is to ensure that you are not the obstacle to it.
Sadhguru Quotes On Work-Life
If instead of working up your desires, you enhance your capabilities, you will walk through this life effortlessly, gracefully, doing very well.
What is possible and what is not is not your business. Nature will decide this. Your business is just to work for what truly matters to you.
You need to look at why you want a break from work. If you were doing something that you truly care about, would you want a break?
Whatever work needs to be done, whatever opportunity comes your way, whatever you have to share – this is the time, not tomorrow.
Only those who work intensely will know the profoundness of restfulness.
No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that makes it stressful.
Qualifications only give you entry. It is competence that ultimately works.
Sadhguru Quotes In Hindi
ध्यान अपने अस्तित्व की खूबसूरती को जानने का एक तरीका है।
असल में ध्यान का अर्थ है, अनुभव के स्तर पर यह एहसास होना कि आप कोई अलग इकाई नहीं हैं – आप एक ब्रह्मांड हैं।
ध्यान कोई कार्य नहीं, एक गुण है।
ध्यान का अर्थ है, अपने भीतर नए आयाम जागृत करना।
ध्यान का अर्थ यह नहीं है कि आपको अपने जीवन में हर क्षण मुस्कुराते रहना होगा, बल्कि यह सीखना है कि आपकी हड्डियां भी मुस्कुराने लगें।
अगर आप अपने शरीर, दिमाग, ऊर्जा और भावनाओं को एक खास स्तर तक परिपक्व करते हैं, ध्यान अपने आप फलित होगा।
जब तक यहां आपका अस्तित्व केवल शरीर और मन के रूप में है, पीड़ा तो होगी ही, इससे बचा नहीं जा सकता। ध्यान का अर्थ है आपने शरीर और मन की सीमाओं से परे जाना।
आत्मज्ञान उस सत्य का साक्षात्कार है, जो पहले से ही मौजूद है।
आत्मज्ञान का बीज हर प्राणी में मौजूद है। आत्मज्ञान कोई ऐसी चीज नहीं है जो बाहर से आती है। आत्मज्ञान सिर्फ एक बोध है।
आत्मज्ञान में कोई सुख नहीं होता, कोई पीड़ा नहीं होती – बस होता है एक बेनाम आनंद, परमानंद।
न तो किसी औरत को आत्मज्ञान मिल सकता है और न ही किसी पुरुष को। आत्मज्ञान की संभावना तभी बनती है जब आप लिंग भेद से ऊपर उठ जाते हैं।
एक देश के रूपांतरण के लिए ज्ञानोदय की जरूरत नहीं है – बस थोड़ी सी समझदारी और अपने आसपास रहने वाले हर इंसान के प्रति प्रेम की जरूरत है।
आत्मज्ञान का अर्थ है – जीवन के एक नए आयाम में प्रवेश करना। यह भौतिकता से परे का आयाम है।
आत्मज्ञान कोई बिग-बैंग धमाके की तरह नहीं होता है। यह निरंतर जारी रहने वाली प्रक्रिया है।