We all have watched the popular American animated series – Pinky and Brain. These little rodents are actually fun to watch and it’s a great pass time too. And if you are a fan of the show then you would definitely like to read the quotes from the show as well. So here we have a number of Pinky and Brain quotes, take a look and be nostalgic about the show.
Pinky And The Brain Quotes
Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky – try to take over the world!
Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?Pinky: I think so, Brain, but…
Brain: We must prepare for tomorrow night.Pinky: Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky – try to take over the world!
Chorus: They’re Pinky, They’re Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain!
Brain: [Last lines of the series] Come, Pinky-o. We must catch the space shuttle back to our home planet of Acme and prepare for the next millennium.
Pinky: Gee, Brain-2, what are we gonna do in the next millennium?
Brain: The same thing we do every millennium, Pinky-o. Try to take over the galaxy!
Chorus: 3-Pinky, 3-Pinky and the Fridge, Fridge, Fridge, Fridge, Fridge!
Brain: I am not a refrigerator.
Chorus: Dot, dot, dot, dot!
Brain: How are we going to get the Earth to lose weight?
Pinky: I know! We can get everyone to go on a diet!
Brain: Diets don’t work.
Pinky: Not even if you call them ‘A Whole New Way of Eating?’
Brain: No.
[After seeing on a naval chart how close their objective is]
Pinky: Oh, look Brain, it’s so close, we’ll be there before you can say “Poit!”
Brain: We’ll reach Mars before I yell “Poit!” Pinky.
Pinky: [Their submarine is filling up with water.] We’re gonna make it! We’re gonna make it, right Brain!? BRAIN??
Brain: POIT!!!
Pinky: You aren’t going to get rid of me, are you Brain? I mean, you, working as a single? Look what happened to Jerry Lewis after he broke up with Dean! All that stuff in your hair!
(Pinky and Brain are discussing Brain’s not-too-bright girlfriend)
Brain: I met her today in the maze. Her name is Billie. She’s of simple folk, fair and true.
Pinky: You mean she’s stupid?
Brain: A bit
Brain: Do not mock a love-smitten mouse.
Pinky: Egad Brain! I wish I was as smart as you.
Brain: I wish you were as smart as a tree stump, Pinky.
Pinky: Brilliant, Brain! Oh, one quick question.
Brain: What?
Pinky: Do sealions eat seazebras?
Brain: You are going to be a help this time. Say it!
Pinky: “You are going to be a help this time.”
Pinky: I think I’ll ask Winnie if she wants to go to the movies with me. [barks to Winnie in sealion language; she starts swimming faster]
Brain: You just said “Fetch me a big clown hat!”
Pinky: Oh! What a good idea!
Brain: [being attacked by an octopus] PINKY!!
Pinky: Hi Brain. Do you know the lyrics to Muskrat Love?
Pinky: [singing to the tune of Muskrat Love] Octopus help… [stops] I don’t think that’s quite right…
Brain: [speaking in sealion language] You must get the army back at once.
Winnie: [subtitled] Give me a fish and I will playfully nuzzle you.
Brain: There’s no time for me to give you another fish!
Pinky: [speaks to Winnie in sealion language; she swims away] Winnie! Come back! I was only trying to tell her how much I like her.”
Brain: Unfortunately, it came out more like, “I’m a big billy goat so you’d better beat it, sister.”
Pinky: You know Brain I’ve been thinking I don’t want to be an elf anymore.
Brain: What do you want to be Pinky?
Pinky: A dentist!
Narrator: So they took their friend Christopher’s advice and went to see Algore the Donkey, who lived on the very next page.
Pinky: When does this scene start to animate, Brainie?
Brain: It already has, Pinklet. The question is, when does Algore start to animate?
Brain: Has it ever occurred to you, Pinklet, that your scarf is constricting the blood flow to your head?
Pinky: Yes! And it keeps my neck all cozy-warm.
Brain: Luckily, I know the location of a veritable Fort Knox of honey, right here in Acme Woods!
Pinky: Oooh, a fort! FORT! Oh, can we play Cowboys and Indians?
Brain: No, but we can play Geniuses and Numbskulls.
Pinky: How do you play?
Brain: Like this! [hits Pinky with his stick]
Pinky: Troz! Who won?
Brain: As you know, people in today’s body-conscious society are obsessed with losing weight. My plan is to secretly replace all the artificial sweeteners in the world with real ones, thus rendering the world’s population fat, slow-moving, and completely toothless.
Pinky: You mean like the guests on Jerry Springer?
Brain: Exactly, Pinklet.
Brain: After [Snowball], Pinky! He’s about to engage the machine!
Pinky: Poit! I didn’t even know they were going steady. We really ought to bring a gift, Brain. [Brain grabs him and runs after Snowball.] You know where they’re registered? Congratulations, Snowball! We’re so happy for you and your fianceé! A hamster engaged to a big machine? What will people say?
Brain: Stop being foolish, Pinky.
Pinky: Oh you’re right, Brain, as long as they’re happy. We should get them something nice; a fondue set, maybe. I mean, after all, we are getting tight hats in the bargain.
Brain: I feel the need. I feel the need for expeditious velocity.
Brain: The game does not conclude until the woman with the eating disorder ululates.
Brain: What is Troz?
Pinky: Why it’s “Zort” in the mirror!Troz!
Brain: The irony of it all, Pinky. Years of trying to take over the world, and all I had to do was say “moo”.
Pinky: Russia! I’ve heard of that place! Isn’t it full of cheating, lying and backstabbing intrigue?
Brain: The Cold War is over Pinky. Now Russia is a place of free-market capitalism.
Pinky: What’s free-market capitalism?
Brain: Erm… cheating, lying and backstabbing intrigue.
Hillary Clinton: Would you mind telling me who you are?!
Brain: As if you didn’t know.
Hillary Clinton: Right. As if I didn’t know.
Pinky: Why, he’s your guest of honor – the Brain!
Brain: I am the subject of this whole conference.
Hillary Clinton: We’re here to discuss the human brain.
Pinky: Egad! There’s a human version of you? Scary!
[Brain finds Billie at the controls of the machine]
Pinky: Egad, Brain! Snowball’s turned into a mouse!
Brain: No, Pinky, it’s Billie.
Pinky: Billie’s turned into a hamster? [Brain grabs him and smacks him with his hat repeatedly] She’s a mouse! She’s a hamster! She’s a mouse! She’s a hamster! She’s a mouse and a hamster?(laughs deliriously)
Bill Clinton: Hey, and don’t forget – Saturday morning’s the big global Schmëerskāhøvênathon for world peace.
Brain: Schmëerskāhøvênathon? Pinky, do you know what this means?
Pinky: Another preemption for Brand Spanking Fresh and Shiny New Doug?
Brain:(about Snowball’s plan)..and execute me in the process.
Snowball:Oh, don’t be silly, Brain. It would take all the fun out of life; I derive my greatest pleasure from making you squirm.
Pinky:I derive my greatest pleasure from making Brain squirt milk out of his nose! (Snowball and Brain bop Pinky on the head) Natch!
Brain: No! Pinky, you got chocolate on my Jack-o-lantronic transmitter!
Pinky: You got Jack-o-lantronic transmitter in my chocolate!
Brain: For the last time, Pinky, there is no such word as “Chramecirum”!
[disguised as a cow]
Brain: Moo. We are a cow. Take us to China.
Brain: [Reading Pinky’s letter to Santa] “Dear Santa, Hello, haha, narf. [Glares at a tearful Pinky before continuing] This year, Santa, I ask for nothing, but I wish to tell you about [haltingly] my dear friend, The Brain. He is honest and very hardworking and only wants what’s best for the world. But he gets no reward – he’s only greeted with defeat. He never gives up, but I know it must be very hard. So please, take anything you have for me and give it to my best friend in the whole world, The Brain. [Looks sadly over at Pinky, who is crying due to not having given the letter to Santa when he had the chance] Love, Pinky. PS – By any chance, do you have in that big old bag of yours, the world?”
Pinky: [Pinky activates the mind control device] You’re on!
Pinky: You’re on Brain!
Brain: [Still teary-eyed from Pinky’s letter, composing himself] Um, ladies and gentlemen of the world, you will do as I say. For I… I command you. I command you to… [Looks over at Pinky, who is urging him on, before tearfully blurting out] Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Have a merry, merry Christmas! Joy to the world! Yes! [Breaks down sobbing]