Firefly has been there for quite some time and we have only loved this show. Even if the show was short-lived, some of us still members the show for it’s the amazing storyline well-written characters. Here we are sharing some of the best Firefly quotes that you will find amusing if you are a fan of the show.
Firefly Quotes
Mal: “Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might wanna look to that.”
Zoe: “First rule of battle, little one … don’t ever let them know where you are.”
Zoe: “‘Course, there’re other schools of thought.”
Kaylee: “Yes sir, Captain Tightpants!”
Wash: “Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.”
Zoe: “We live in a spaceship, dear.”
Mal: “Mercy is the mark of a great man.”
Mal: “Guess I’m just a good man.”
Mal: “Well, I’m all right.”
Mal to Jayne: “Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle.”
Jayne: “Let’s go be bad guys!”
Wash: “Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”
Simon: “Are you Alliance?”
Jubal Early: “Am I a lion?”
Simon: “What?”
Jubal Early: “I don’t think of myself as a lion. You might as well, though, I have a mighty roar.”
Simon: “I said ‘Alliance.'”
Jubal Early: “Oh, I thought … “
Simon: “No, I was … “
Jubal Early: “That’s weird.”
Jayne: “Ten percent of nothin’ is … let me do the math here … nothin’ into nothin’ … carry the nothin’ … “
Badger: “‘Course you couldn’t buy an invite with a diamond the size of a testicle, but I got my hands on a couple.”
Mal and Jayne: sniggering
Badger: ” … of invites!”
Mal: “I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.”
Wash: “Every man there go back inside or we will blow a new crater in this little moon.”
Tracey: “When you can’t run, you crawl. And when you can’t crawl, when you can’t do that … “
Zoe: ” … you find someone to carry you.”
Jayne: “You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who’s in ruttin charge here.”
Mal: “Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill ’em right back!”
Wash: “Here lies my beloved Zoe, my autumn flower … somewhat less attractive now that she’s all corpsified and gross.”
River Tam: “Also? I can kill you with my brain.”
Jayne: “Oh, I think you might wanna reconsider that last part. See, I married me a powerful ugly creature.”
Wash: “Terse? I can be terse. Once, in flight school, I was laconic.”
Zoe: “If they take the ship, they’ll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skin into their clothes … and if we’re very, very lucky, they’ll do it in that order.”
Mal: “If anyone gets nosy, just …you know … shoot ’em. “
Zoe: “Shoot ’em?”
Mal: “Politely.”
Kayle: “Going on a year now, nothing twisted my nethers not run on batteries.”
Mal: “I can’t know that.”
Jayne: “I can stand to hear a little more.”
Mal: “Wash, we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss.”
Badger: “What were you in the war? That big war you failed to win? You were a sergeant, yeah? Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds … balls and bayonets brigade. Big, tough veteran. Now you got yourself a ship and you’re a captain. Only I think, you’re still a sergeant, see? Still a soldier. A man of honor in a den of thieves. Well, this is my gorramn den, and I don’t like the way you look down on me. I’m above you, better than! Businessman, see? Roots in the community. You’re just a scavenger.”
Mal: “Well, maybe I’m not a fancy gentleman like you, with your … very fine hat. But I do business. We’re here for business.”
Murphy: “I cannot abide useless people.”
Wash: “I’ve been under fire before. Well … I’ve been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself.”
Wash: “How did your brain even learn human speech?”
Mal: “Just get us on the ground!”
Wash: “That part will happen pretty definitely!”
Mal: “Next time you want to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”
Wash: “Man walks down the street in a hat like that, you know he’s not afraid of anything … “
Mal: “You’re welcome on my boat. God ain’t.”