Dr. Seuss is one of the most popular American authors. He has written many kids’ books and has over 60 titles under his name. You guess the popularity of Seuss with the fact that his books have been translated into more than 20 languages and sold across the world. The Grinch might be one of the most popular titles that Seuss has written but there are many other interesting and well-known books that kids would love. So it is pretty clear how big Dr. Seuss is for Americans and kids across the world. This leads to a big fandom and massive popularity. This is why Dr. Seuss can become a pretty great topic of discussion or trivia!
Well, if you are about to host a trivia then Dr. Seuss might be a great topic. A lot of kids as well as adults are quite interested in Dr. Seuss which gives us a great opportunity to host Dr. Seuss trivia.
To host trivia, the most important thing you need is a great set of trivia questions. If the trivia questions are good enough, only then can everyone enjoy and engage in the trivia. So how are you going to find a good list of Dr. Seuss trivia questions, well that’s why you are here!
In the following article, we are going to list down some of the best Dr. Seuss trivia questions that can engage your audience and you all can have lots of fun too.
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Dr Seuss trivia questions
Q. From where Dr. Seuss got his graduation degree?
Ans. Dartmouth
Q. How did he pen the name Dr. Seuss?
Ans. Middle name and his father’s dream
Q. What was the cause of Dr. Seuss death?
Ans. Cancer
Q. What was the name of Theodor’s second wife?
Ans. Audrey
Q. Making use of his time in Europe, he pitched a series of cartoons called Eminent Europeans to what magazine?
Ans. Life magazine, but the magazine passed on it.
Q. His first nationally published cartoon appeared in the July 16, 1927, issue of what?
Ans. The Saturday Evening Post.
Q. This single $25 sale encouraged Geisel to do what?
Ans. Move from Springfield to New York City.
Q. What is Dr. Seuss’ real name?
Ans. Theodor Seuss Geisel.
Q. While living in the Jungle of Nool, a friendly elephant hears a voice coming from a tiny speck of dust and discovers that it is actually the microscopic town of Whoville. What book is this the plot of?
Ans. Horton Hears A Who!
Q. Not only does Horton hear a Who, but what else does he do in the other book that features Horton as the main character?
Ans. Horton Hatches the Egg.
Q. Dr. Seuss’s Birthday is a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually on what date?
Ans. March 2.
Dr Seuss trivia quiz questions
Everyone is aware of Dr. Seuss and his popular book Grinch! He is a popular American author who has written more than 50 books under his pen name. That is why his popularity is no surprise among Americans as well as for the rest of the world.
To anyone who thinks they know everything about Dr. Seuss and his books, we have a trivia quiz for you! Here are some of the Dr. Seuss trivia quiz questions that you would love to answer or ask your friends as well who claim to be a fan of Dr. Seuss.
Q. What does Sam-I-Am want to serve?
Ans. Green eggs and ham.
Q. How many other pen names did Dr. Seuss have, besides ‘Dr. Seuss’ — 1, 3, or 5?
Ans. 3. They are Rosetta Stone, Theophrastus Seuss, and Theo Lesieg.
Q. From where Dr. Seuss got his doctorate degree?
Ans. England
Q. He is best known for his work writing and illustrating more than 60 books under what pen name?
Ans. Doctor Seuss (abbreviated Dr. Seuss.
Q. His work includes many of the most popular children’s books of all time selling how many copies?
Ans. Over 600 million copies.
Q. The books have been translated into how many languages?
Ans. More than 20.
Q. When did Geisel adopted the name “Dr. Seuss”?
Ans. As an undergraduate at Dartmouth College and as a graduate student at the University of Oxford.
Q. To whom Dr. Seuss got married?
Ans. Helen Palmer
Q. What high school did he attend?
Ans. Springfield Central High School.
Q. He took an art class as a freshman and later became manager of the what?
Ans. The school soccer team.
Q. What college did Geisel attend?
Ans. Dartmouth.
So these are some of the best Dr. Seuss trivia questions for a quiz that you would love to answer or ask. We have managed to pick questions that would suit everyone and you can pick the questions according to your desired difficulty level.
That would be all and we hope you liked the article and found everything that you have been looking for.
Dr Seuss trivia questions and answers
Q. When did he graduate from Dartmouth?
Ans. 1925.
Q. At Dartmouth, he joined what fraternity?
Ans. The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.
Q. He also joined what magazine?
Ans. The humor magazine Dartmouth Jack-O-Lantern.
Q. He eventually rose to what rank?
Ans. Editor-in-chief.
Q. When did he graduate from high school?
Ans. He graduated in 1921.
Q. At the time, the possession and consumption of alcohol was what?
Ans. Illegal under Prohibition laws.
Q. As a result of this infraction, Dean Craven Laycock insisted that Geisel do what?
Ans. Resign from all extracurricular activities, including the college humor magazine.
Q. To continue work on the Jack-O-Lantern without the administration’s knowledge, Geisel began signing his work with what?
Ans. The pen name “Seuss”.
Q. Which branch of the military Dr. Seuss joined?
Ans. Army
Q. How many children did he have?
Ans. Zero
So these are some of the best Dr. Seuss trivia questions that you can find. We have enlisted a range of trivia questions so you can easily set the difficulty level of the trivia according to the competitors. Whether you are preparing for trivia or hosting trivia, these questions would certainly help you out.
That would be all and we hope you got everything that you have been looking for and found the best, Dr. Seuss trivia questions!