It’s always better to learn from other’s mistakes rather than trying and testing everything on our own. Are you looking for some real-time advice and guidance to enhance your scope of success in entrepreneurship? Here are some books listed to help you carve an idea out of first-hand experiences of successful business owners on how to establish and run a profitable business from scratch.
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Books For Business Beginners
Author: Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson
Goodreads ratings: 3.37 / 5
Number of pages: 288
Publisher: Vermilion
Published in: 2010
Language : English
Genre: Leadership & Personal development
Amazon Ratings: 4.5 / 5With a very unfamiliar tone for business advice, this thought-provoking unconventional paperback by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier opens up new concepts for us to rethink and contextualise. It addresses the business dilemmas such as investing way too much time in meetings and other insignificant things which lead to a downturn making the whole thing devoid of fun. Some worthwhile advice is quoted in a snappy format. Scanning through the book you’ll find it has good readability and can be digested in a 1-hour time frame from cover to cover with ease. It critiques the old-school methods involved in running a business setup and everything written becomes more credible once you know the authors are the same people who created 37signals and Basecamp. The average length of a singular lesson is about 3 pages, designed keeping in mind people with low attention span. Basically, it’s a good call-to-action book.
Author : Blake Masters & Peter Thiel
Goodreads ratings : 4.2 / 5
Number of pages : 224 pages
Publisher : Currency
Published in : 2014
Language : English
Genre : Business & technology
Amazon Ratings : 4.5 / 5Zero to One is New York’s time bestseller, it empowers readers with insight into startups and future technological advancements. The book includes many anecdotal lessons summarising failed startup mistakes. It is an absolute business guide. The book seems to be a concise note in itself. It advises readers to keep a pragmatic approach and ask questions beyond obvious consensus. Also, it unfolds how important it is to have an overview of plans. This would aid new entrepreneurs in many ways. Also, thiel views on informational technology being more than a silicon valley thing and carving an optimistic view upon future developments ought to enlighten a business enthusiast. It ain’t no entrepreneurship gospel, though will compel you to engage with business tactics at a deeper layer.
Author : Phil Knight
Goodreads ratings : 4.5 / 5
Number of pages : 362 pages
Publisher : Simon & Schuster Audio
Published in : 2016
Language : English
Genre : Autobiography
Amazon Ratings : 4.6 / 5A memoir by Phil knight on how he developed a profitable brand called Nike. The struggles, failures, sacrifices involved in the journey are penned down beautifully. No wonder, why it’s among the few favorite’s of Bill gates. It depicts the journey of the fruition of Phil’s vision. The language is 101 storytelling. Every page adds to the progression of the brand about how an athletic company was built by a bunch of non-athletic personas. The entrepreneurship trip discussed would come as a learning guide full of real-time experiences for business beginners. The tone is kept engaging and language simplified.
Overall the book is an inspirational & impactful read.
Author : Patrick lenconi
Goodreads ratings : 4.1 / 5
Number of pages : 227 pages
Publisher : jossey bass
Published in : 2002
Language : English
Genre : Self Help & Entrepreneurship
Amazon Ratings : 4.6 / 5Coming from the best selling author, this book incorporates themes of self help and personal development. The model of the pyramid discussed as a solution to the fable, the book starts with. Points in the model of pyramid were lack of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, Avoidance and Accountability, Inattention to results for a dysfunctional team.The importance of teamwork is being stressed upon. Also, the issues in an executive team are being mentioned for reverse down implementation. This book is a quick read which addresses an issue of great importance.
Author : Tim Ferriss
Goodreads ratings : NA
Number of pages : 308 pages
Publisher : Harmony books
Published in : 2007
Language : English
Genre : Personal development
Amazon Ratings : 4.5 / 5This book by Ferris is no less than a call to action. It discusses how in a time like this, one must be prepared with a plan B. The overall theme is to bid adieu to the conventional retirement system by living more and working less. With a personal touch by sharing his success model, Ferries presents his journey as a blueprint to refer. The book challenges the notion of getting retired at a designated age by suggesting the DELA method for owners. The four hour work week talks about breaking of archetype working culture.
Author :Stephen covey
Goodreads ratings : 4.2 / 5
Number of pages : 447 pages
Publisher : Simon & Schuster
Published in : 1989
Language : English
Genre : Personal growth
Amazon Ratings : 4.6 / 5The longest paperback of our list The habits of highly successful people is a book discussing the blind spots most of us miss upon. Awarded the best business book of the twentieth century it is a must read in terms of learning the art of convincing people. This familiarises you with qualities of a leader and how to implement them. It is a highly recommended read from top business consultants and leaders. The ideas mentioned are practical and worth implementing. The principals given are of great help not just in business but in other life scenarios as well. Apart from that, this book also changes your perspective of looking at the world.
So these were collections of some of the most impactful business books. Reading and implementing them will ought to give a learning-arc better than an MBA degree.